February 26, 2015

Where I've been and what I've been doing...

So, it's only been a year and a half since I posted something on here.


I guess I owe anyone who cares about this blog at all a small explanation.

Last time I posted, I was very pregnant with a little boy. And I had a super miserable pregnancy. I had a rash that lasted for three months straight. I ran low grade fevers constantly. And my digestive system went all nuts on me. And the swelling...Oh, the swelling.

Well, shortly after my last post I went into labor 3 weeks before my due date. I had a massive gall bladder attack that sent me to the hospital, and shortly after I arrived...my water broke. Three weeks isn't normally a big deal in terms of early deliveries, but because my digestive system was such a mess he was only 35 weeks developed. I ended up having an emergency c-section, and he ended up spending 11 days in the NICU. It was a rough time for everyone involved.

But then, I just couldn't seem to recover. I had gall bladder surgery 6 days postpartum. And I had the. worst. postpartum. depression. It started the second they took him out. I just loathed myself. I only wanted to hold my babies and cry. And I couldn't stop being in pain. My joints stopped working on me. I had my gall bladder out, but my digestive system still plagued me. I would go numb in all sorts of weird places. And that rash kept coming back. Sometimes I would have migraines that lasted for weeks at a time. In short, I felt downright miserable.

So, if you're wondering where I've been, I've spent the past (almost) 2 years constantly in and out of doctors' offices. I've had roughly 11 surgeries. I received one diagnosis of Crohn's Disease. And another remains for the most part undiagnosed. Not because I'm imagining things, but because they don't really have a name for it. All they know is that I have a very high level of autoimmune antibodies (basically, antibodies that for reasons not completely understood, fight against healthy parts of your body as if it were a foreign contaminant) and extremely high inflammatory markers. But the disease I have currently doesn't fit the diagnostic criteria for any diseases that have names.

On top of all of my health problems, my husband lost his father and ended his career with the Air Force. Because of this, we made a move from North Carolina to Idaho. Things have been just a little crazy for us.

So, I've made the decision to make changes in my life. I love to write and blog. But I am also an extreme perfectionist and blogging all the time takes more time and effort for me than I have to give. Soooo....

From now on I will be posting on Instagram (and Facebook, sometimes too) for daily doings and small updates on what I'm quilting and this blog will serve as a medium for tutorials (which, yes, I do have some in the works) and patterns, along with big updates.

So to all of you who actually care, thanks for listening and sticking with me! I'll have more on here soon, and I always have stuff on IG.

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